
What is afforestation?

Afforestation (or reforestation) refers to the process of planting trees on areas that were previously not forested or where the forest has been severely depleted. This measure is central to restoring and strengthening forest ecosystems, improving biodiversity and combating climate change by sequestering CO₂.

What contribution does reforestation make to climate protection?

Reforestation makes a direct contribution to mitigating the effects of climate change. Trees bind CO₂ during the growth process and thus contribute to reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Alongside the oceans, moors, soils and mangrove forests, forests are one of the most important natural carbon sinks and support the goal of limiting global warming to below two degrees Celsius.

How useful is reforestation?

Storms, droughts, pest infestations, forest fires and other consequences of climate change can destroy large areas of forest. In Germany alone, an area the size of the Saarland has died off in recent years. Reforestation is of immense importance, not only to combat the consequences of climate change, but also for human well-being. Forests play a crucial role in regulating the climate, improving air quality and conserving water resources. They also provide habitats for numerous animal and plant species, support soil fertility and contribute to biodiversity. Without forests, we would lose a crucial basis for our food production, fresh water and clean air. In addition, global CO₂ emissions would be higher and global warming would accelerate, leading to increased extreme weather events and a worsening of the global climate crisis. Reforestation is therefore essential to protect humanity's livelihoods and safeguard the health of our planet for future generations.

What needs to be considered during reforestation?

When reforesting, it is crucial to select tree species that are adapted to the local climatic and soil conditions. A diversity of species should be promoted in order to increase biodiversity and strengthen the resilience of forests to pests, diseases and the consequences of climate change. In addition, careful planning and preparation of the soil is required to create optimal growing conditions. Long-term maintenance and protection measures are necessary to ensure the successful development of young forests. The involvement of local communities and stakeholders also contributes to the success of reforestation projects.

What contribution can companies make to reforestation?

Companies can contribute to reforestation by initiating their own reforestation projects or financially supporting existing projects. They can partner with local or global environmental organizations to effectively implement reforestation projects and demonstrate their commitment to climate protection. Companies can also have a positive impact on the environment through their business practices, e.g. by reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainable supply chains. Embedding climate protection goals in the corporate strategy, including support for reforestation, demonstrates a sense of responsibility and contributes to achieving climate targets. In addition, by creating awareness and educational initiatives, companies can contribute to the importance of forests and thus promote a broader commitment to forest conservation.

With Planted, companies can plant their own company forest near their company location. In close cooperation with Planted's internal climate forester, your company will look for a suitable area, discuss the site-specific tree species and also receive a digital twin of the forest for communicating the commitment. Send us a non-binding contact request now.