CSRD Report

The complete solution for stress-free ESG compliance

Benefit from our customized software solution, professional advice and cooperation with auditors for your CSRD report.




Overview of ESRS topics in Kanban board, status of CSRD report 2023, export button

Over 300 customers already trust Planted

Office building, CSRD logo

Why a CSRD report is crucial for your company's success

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires more than 15,000 companies in Germany to report on their sustainability activities from 2025, with retroactive effect from 2024. An efficient CSRD report is therefore crucial in order to meet the legal requirements, remain competitive and strengthen trust among stakeholders.

The Planted software for your CSRD report: efficient, compliant and holistic

With a comprehensive software solution and expert support, Planted helps you to implement your CSRD report. Within the platform solution, you can easily create a legally compliant CSRD report and benefit from full ESG compliance.

Simple and intuitive operation

Automated data acquisition and analysis

Legally compliant reporting in accordance with CSRD standards

CO2 accounting and sustainability targets

Four simple steps to the CSRD report

Double materiality

Realize double materiality through uncomplicated CSRD software and workshops.

CO2 footprint

emissions data for the CSRD report TÜV-certified and AI-supported.

ESRS standards

Collect and manage ESRS data points for the CSRD report across teams.

CSRD Report

Generate CSRD report automatically and realize and export it with one click.

Compliant with the most important global standards

Double materiality analysis

Identify relevant stakeholders, impacts and influences. Evaluate the financial opportunities and risks of your company and the value chain.

TÜV-certifiedCO2 footprint

Record all emissions data according to Scope 1-3 using data interfaces. AI provides support for missing primary data.
CO2 balance for CSRD report, overview of total CO2 footprint and divided into Scope 1, 2, 3

Manage ESRS data points

Collaboratively collect all key ESRS data points and meet the legal requirements for your CSRD report.
Tables Overview of ESRS data points and status Overview with persons responsible for CSRD report

1-click to the CSRD report

Create your CSRD report in just a few minutes - audit-ready for review by third parties.
Overview of ESRS topics in Kanban board, status of CSRD report 2023, export button

Free e-book: Step-by-step to a successful CSRD report

How the Planted CSRD software supports your company

No prior knowledge required

With our team of experts, online courses and practical examples, you can create your CSRD report with ease.


KI supports you in formulating the texts of your CSRD report through optimization and autofill.

Document upload

Simplified verifiability through document upload in common formats.

Collaborative data collection

Cross-team and cross-location collection of all CSRD-relevant data, centralized in one place.

Exportable CSRD report

Download your CSRD report easily and in all common formats with just one click.

Target setting

Set targets based on the SBTi and track progress towards reducing emissions for your CSRD report.

Request demo

What customers say about Planted


David Rost


Managing Director

We are proud to join forces with Planted to make our vision of a net climate positive* network a reality. Our MYTY net+ initiative will not only offset and overcompensate our ownCO2 emissions, but will also have a tangible positive impact on the environment by investing in effective sustainability projects and reducing internal emissions.

wundertax GmbH

Daniel Hanemann


Managing Director

With Planted, we ensure that our tax return is authentically green, not just greenwashed. Planted enables us to transparently measure, reduce and offset ourcarbon footprint. For each tax return, we protect one square meter of forest for one year.


Christian Kirsch


Managing Director

By working with Planted, we were able to quickly and easily create acarbon footprint for our company and plant 3,200 trees in our company forest. Net Zero 2025 together with Planted!

wetter.com GmbH

Amélie Sentier


Sustainability Officer

With its clear focus on regional environmental protection projects, Planted is not only the right partner for us for tree planting projects, but also for annual carbon accounting. The software solution's intuitive user interface and excellent support enable us to live up to our responsibility and make our activities transparent.

Vivawest GmbH

Barbara Csáki


Sustainability Officer

Sustainability is firmly anchored in our business model and our own forest gives us the opportunity to bring this to life in everyday life at VIVAWEST. We take responsibility for future generations.


David Rost


Managing Director

We are proud to join forces with Planted to make our vision of a net climate positive* network a reality. Our MYTY net+ initiative will not only offset and overcompensate our own CO2 emissions, but will also have a tangible positive impact on the environment by investing in effective sustainability projects and reducing internal emissions.

emma & noah GmbH

Aline Gallois-Trautmann


Founder & MD

With every order, we contribute to preserving the forest ecosystem with all its protective functions. The Biodiversity Credits make our commitment measurable and enable transparent communication.

wundertax GmbH

Daniel Hanemann


Managing Director

Our commitment focuses not only on CO₂ management, but also on protecting biodiversity by preserving local woodlands. Together with Planted, we protect forests in the Sauerland region for every tax return. In return, we receive valuable biodiversity credits per protected square meter, which transparently document our commitment and make it tangible.

innomatec Mess- und Schnellanschluss-Systeme GmbH

Pascal Schröer


Managing Director

Our collaboration with Planted has shown us that sustainability for companies can be started with manageable effort. The calculation of the carbon footprint is the basis on which we will carry out many optimizations to reduce emissions in the coming months.


Christian Kirsch


Managing Director

By working with Planted, we were able to quickly and easily create a carbon footprint for our company and plant 3,200 trees in our company forest. Net Zero 2025 together with Planted!

CSRD Report - Why Planted?


software was developed in close cooperation with auditors.


Based on official standards (CSRD, GHG, GRI) and science.

Team of experts

Our CSRD team of experts will be at your side every step of the way.


ESG management, CSRD report and environmental protection in one CSRD software.

Realize your CSRD report with Planted

Planted offers a unique combination of internal expert support, external audit by auditors and a software solution that supports you with your CSRD report.

Request a demo now

FAQ on the CSRD Report

Who is obliged to submit a CSRD report?

Companies that are listed on an EU-regulated market and fulfill at least two of the following three criteria must implement a CSRD report:

  • A balance sheet total of over 25 million euros,
  • Net sales over 50 million euros,
  • More than 250 employees.

Companies not based in the EU are also subject to the CSRD obligation if they have EU subsidiaries that are either listed SMEs or large companies, or if they generate more than 150 million euros in net sales on a consolidated basis. Third-country companies with branches in the EU must also prepare a CSRD report if they exceed certain turnover and revenue thresholds. In total, around 15,000 companies in Germany and around 50,000 companies throughout the EU are affected by CSRD reporting.

Micro-enterprises and non-capital-market-oriented companies
do not have to prepare a CSRD report.

When do companies have to implement the CSRD report?

The CSRD Directive is being introduced gradually:

  • From January 1, 2024: Companies subject to NFRD reporting will report from 2025 for the 2024 financial year.
  • From January 1, 2025: Large companies not previously subject to the NFRD and large groups must prepare a CSRD report for the previous financial year in 2026.
  • From January 1, 2026: Listed SMEs, smaller banks and insurers report in 2027 for the 2026 financial year, whereby SMEs can refrain from a CSRD report until 2028. However, the reasons for this must be explained in the management report.

How are CSRD and ESRS connected?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) are closely linked.

The CSRD is an EU directive that obliges companies to prepare comprehensive sustainability reports. The ESRS are the standards that specify exactly what information must be included in this CSRD report.

In short, the CSRD sets out the reporting obligation, while the ESRS define the exact requirements and criteria that companies must fulfill. Together, they ensure uniform, transparent and comparable sustainability reporting within the EU.

What can Planted's CSRD software do?

With Planted's CSRD software, companies can create their CSRD report automatically with the help of AI. With the help of the platform, all relevant key figures for the CSRD report are recorded, analyzed and optimized centrally in one place. Planted's internal team of experts provides support throughout the entire process. There is also a Climate Academy with an extensive range of learning opportunities on the most important topics relating to ESG management.

Which standards does the CSRD software cover?

Our software covers the following standards :

  • CSRD
  • ESRS
  • DNK
  • GHG protocol
  • ecovadis
  • GRI
  • SBTi
  • United Nations
  • Global Compact
  • SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)