Record your CO₂ balance across all locations

April 22, 2024
minutes |

The mandatory Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) poses considerable challenges for service companies: complex requirements, high costs and strict auditing standards.

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) legally obliges companies to disclose their environmental impact and in particular their CO₂ emissions, among other things. In addition, there are demands from stakeholders such as customers, investors and employees, who prefer sustainable companies on many levels. 

Companies that want to calculate their carbon footprint across all locations are faced with the complex task of consolidating data from different sources and locations. The Corporate Carbon Footprint covers Scope 1, 2 and 3 and creates awareness of the relevant GHG emission sources. It offers the possibility of a site comparison, serves to derive reduction and avoidance potentials and is essential for external reporting (CSRD reporting).

Which locations and subsidiaries should be included in the cross-location carbon footprint? 

For companies, especially those with complex ownership structures and a large number of locations, the challenge is to determine which locations and subsidiaries should be included in the balance sheet. In general, all units over which the company exercises either financial or operational control should be included in the CO₂ balance sheet. This is in line with the requirements of the CSRD, which calls for complete transparency of direct(Scope 1) and indirect(Scope 2) emissions.

  • ‍Operationalcontrol: Emissions from all operations over which the company has control must be included. This includes all production facilities, distribution centers and offices.‍
  • Financial control: Includes subsidiaries and investments in which the company holds the majority of voting rights or exercises significant financial control.‍
  • Scope 3 emissions: Although not mandatory, the inclusion of Scope 3 emissions (all other indirect emissions including those from the supply chain) is advisable, especially if they represent a significant proportion of the company's total emissions volume.

Why is the cross-locationcarbon footprint important?

The complete integration of all locations into the carbon footprint is crucial in order to accurately map a company's environmental impact. This ensures that all sources of emissions are accounted for, which is essential for accurate reporting and effective reduction strategies. Given the CSRD requirements for comprehensive emissions reporting, this emphasizes the importance of company-wide reporting. Such reporting is not only required by law, but also increases transparency towards stakeholders and facilitates the strategic pursuit of sustainability goals.

Planted: A comprehensive solution for your cross-locationcarbon footprint

Cross-location CO₂ balance sheet in the Planted software

Planted's software solution enables companies to calculate their CO₂ emissions for each location in a centralized and TÜV-certified manner, manage Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, decarbonize in a targeted manner and create CSRD-compliant reports. Companies can easily collect their data automatically and across all locations. The individual data is compiled on an equity share basis for an overall report and made comparable.

By focusing on carbon footprinting and sustainable reporting, Planted helps companies to achieve their sustainability goals and make a positive contribution to climate protection - without the chaos of different filing systems or tables. Would you like to record and manage your carbon footprint across all locations and report in compliance with CSRD? We look forward to hearing from you.